The Rev. Stephen Crippen
After nearly two decades as a psychotherapist, Stephen began his career as a priest in 2020 at Grace Episcopal Church, Bainbridge Island, serving first as their curate and then as interim rector. A Minnesota native, Stephen came to the Pacific Northwest in 1997 and, until 2003, balanced his psychotherapy work with the vocation of a Lutheran parish musician. He was confirmed in the Episcopal Church in 2005, ordained deacon in 2010, and served several parishes in the Diocese of Olympia (including St. Paul’s Seattle) and the Diocese of Virginia. He holds the MDiv. from Virginia Theological Seminary (2020) and published a book of theological reflections on the topic of remorse. Since 2010, Stephen has served the Diocese of Olympia as a congregational-development trainer and consultant. He has served on the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Olympia since 2021, and in past years has served on the diocesan Commission on Ministry and the Board of Examining Chaplains. He lives in West Queen Anne with his husband Andrew and their canine companions, Keiko, Dash, and Flambeau.
Father Stephen maintains a schedule of open appointment times for those who would like to meet for conversation on any topic. If you have questions about St. Paul's, or you're doing personal discernment and want some pastoral connection, or you have any other reason to talk to Stephen, please send some preferred dates and times to
The Rev. Phillip Lienau
Phillip has served as Curate at St. Paul’s since July 2024. He was ordained to the priesthood June 2024, and the diaconate in 2023, having completed his MDiv. at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Phillip discerned a call to ordained ministry in, and was raised up by, Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. Prior to seminary, Phillip studied and worked in the fields of architecture and scenic design. Phillip’s scenic design career included designs for companies in Seattle and elsewhere, and a few years teaching at the University of Washington. Phillip lives in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle with his husband Jeremy.
If you would like to connect with Phillip, send an email to
Gary James
Director of Music
Gary James has served as organist/choirmaster at St. Paul’s since 1997. After graduate studies at the University of California at Berkeley, he was Composer-in-Residence at Linfield College in Oregon. He is a recipient of the Nicola de Lorenzo Prize and the ASCAP Raymond Hubble Award, and his compositions are published by ten publishers. His music has been performed throughout North America and in Europe, Asia, and Australia; including regional, national, and international gatherings of the American Guild of Organists, the Organ Historical Society, the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America, and the American Society of University Composers. His music was sung at both the opening and closing Eucharists of the 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Salt Lake City in 2015, and at the installation of the Most Reverend Michael B. Curry as Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on All Saints Day 2015.
Laurel Tallent
Lay Pastor for Children and Families
Laurel (they/them) found and fell in love with the 5:00pm liturgy in 2019 and began discerning a call to ordained ministry in 2023. Since obtaining a M.Ed from the University of Washington in 2016, Laurel has worked in education and non-profit program management. They are very pleased to live with their wife, roommate, dogs, and chickens in the Rainier Beach neighborhood of Seattle.
Emily Tweedie
Communications Director and Administrator
Emily and her husband, Marcus, first moved to Queen Anne in 2004, where she studied English Literature at Seattle Pacific University. She now fills most of her time raising her three kids. Emily brings an impressive array of administrative, publication, and social media experience.
Rebecca Harless
Hennessy Rodriguez
Juliana Stratton
Live-Stream Operators
Elizabeth Camilletti
Alexander Hume
Seth Thomsen
Click here to learn more about the vestry’s mutual ministry goals.
Deborah Cushing
Senior Warden
I grew up in Massachusetts attending Mass regularly at St Peter’s Catholic Church. Sometime in high school I drifted away due to the Church’s treatment of women. I sporadically attended church, various denominations, over the years. A while ago I spent the winter in Tucson and connected with St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church and returned to Seattle determined to find my spiritual home. With a little visiting and research I found it ….St Paul’s! The beauty of the liturgy (smells and bells included), the gorgeous music along with a welcoming community nestled among our in city neighbors told me I was home. I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church in 2014.
One of my earlier service commitments was with Fatted Calf Cafe, St Paul’s monthly sit down dinners open to all where we offered a delicious meal and a caring connection with our neighbors. I’ve been a bread baker for years and a regular greeter at the 10:30 service. I started participating at Morning Prayer during Covid and continue that beautiful practice with our core group. I’ve attended two cycles of Dinner for Eight.
I’m a retired attorney and nonprofit executive. Currently a “dog mom” to two rescue dogs, an avid community gardener at the Magnolia Manor P Patch. Enjoy travel internationally and to see family on the East Coast and try to keep up the reading for my two book clubs.
Liz Tallent
Junior Warden
I started regularly attending the 5pm service at St. Paul’s in 2021 with my partner Laurel. We were confirmed on May 1st, 2022. The community and liturgy at St. Paul’s has been a container for my grief, creating space for hope and joy even as I continue to heal and question through some challenging seasons. When I’m not working as a community health education manager at Fred Hutch, I’m collecting sea glass, admiring ferns, or being an emotional support human for two elderly rescue dogs.
Barbara Potgieter
Barbara Potgieter grew up in South Africa as an Anglican. She moved to Seattle from New York in July 2016, when she became a member of St Paul’s. Her former careers have ranged from physicist, to computer systems design, to homeschooling her three now-adult children. Barbara is married to long-time member John Sutherland, and has been treasurer of St Paul’s since January 2019. Barbara is also involved in formation, neighborhood action, and our buildings and grounds.
Heidi Adkisson
I grew up in the United Church of Christ and continued in that tradition until around 2016 when I became interested in pursuing a more liturgical tradition. That brought me to St. Paul's in 2017, and I was confirmed into the Episcopal Church in 2018. I attend the 10:30 service regularly and lead the new knitting ministry at St. Paul's, which creates knitted items for SPiN and Mary's Place. I've lived on Queen Anne for 41 years with my husband, Drake. Professionally, I work as a user experience consultant, helping clients make their software systems more useful and usable.
Marjorie Diddams
I grew up at First Free Methodist Church, just on the north side of Queen Anne. As an undergrad at SPU, I visited several Anglican churches while on a study abroad in Europe and was captured by the tradition and beauty of the liturgy. I found my church home at St. Paul's in 2011 and knew fairly quickly that it felt right. I was confirmed in 2014, married my husband at St. Paul's, and my daughter was baptized in 2023. I have a particular love for Stations of the Cross, which I've participated in for several years. Professionally, I work in supplier quality at Seagen (now Pfizer), focusing on cancer therapies. In my free time, I enjoy traveling, eating, going to shows, reading sci-fi, and watching old Hollywood movies.
Patrick Lynch
I am a long time member of St Paul’s, and have been a volunteer on several parish groups. Currently, I am a sacristan, one of the Sunday lectors, and a frequent reader at Morning Prayer. As Vestry member, I hope to continue and enhance the inclusive spiritual life of St Paul’s and to guide our parish into the future on a stable spiritual and financial footing.
Chris Magnusson
I've been an attendee and member of St. Paul's for almost 2 years now. My involvement so far has been with SPiN and on the liturgy team as a crucifer. I've been in a similar position to the vestry in my former life in the Orthodox tradition and enjoyed the opportunity to support parish life and goals. I would be honored to serve the wonderful community of St. Paul's in a similar fashion. I live in the Ballard/Greenwood area, am married, and have a 14yo child who you might have seen here a few times with me. They particularly enjoy helping out with SPiN - prepping food and helping put together snack bags for our unhoused neighbors. I'm the somewhat rare Seattle-born person, having grown up in the suburbs, gone to the UW, and have only lived outside of Seattle for a handful of years in my adult life. I care a lot about this city and am very happy to be a part of a parish that also cares about it. I like cooking, reading, biking, and the occasional backpacking trip.
James Tedrick
I started attending St. Paul’s with my now-husband Kevin in 2020 while we were in lockdown; I was baptized and confirmed in early 2022. St. Paul’s has been a welcoming community for myself still relatively new to Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. I have regularly served as a lector and greeter for the past couple of years. My day job is being a product engineer for a geographic analysis and mapping software company; aside from that I enjoy travel and photography.
Jeremy Whalen
Jeremy Whalen (he/him) has been attending Saint Paul's since winter of 2011. He often serves Sunday mornings as an acolyte. He is a strength and conditioning coach at a high school, and also coaches from his private gym. He enjoys canoeing, hiking, and brewing beer, and fosters puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. He lives in north Seattle with his wife Melissa and their current foster pup Sal.
Parish Ministry Council
The Parish Ministry Council (PMC) is a team of representatives from nine (eventually ten) ministries. They gather monthly and connect in other ways to share ideas, focus on parish-wide mission goals, support one another, and both broaden and deepen lay leadership across the parish. We hope to add a representative of the Small Groups Ministry to our team in 2025 or 2026. Click here to learn more about the PMC leadership structure.
Laura Griffin
Liturgy and Music Ministry
Lizann Jones
Parish Life Ministry
Fr. Phillip Lienau
Intergenerational Ministry
Kevin Montgomery
Pastoral Care Ministry
BJ Ohlweiler
Neighborhood Action Ministry
Barbara Potgieter
Stewardship Ministry
Daryl Schlick
Building and Grounds Ministry
John Sutherland
Newcomers and Membership Ministry
Laurel Tallent
Faith Formation Ministry
Priest Associates
We are blessed with a community of retired and bi-vocational clergy who regularly assist and preside during Sunday and weekday masses, provide occasional supply and pastoral coverage, as well as other support to the parish and its clergy as needed.
The Rev. Mary Jane Francis
After graduating college in 1958 Mary Jane worked in the field of science, receiving a Ph.D. in Epidemiologic Science (focused in virology) in 1970. Her ordained ministry began in 1984 at Christ Church, Nashville, TN. She has served congregations both in Tennessee and in the Seattle area. Since 1986 she has been an Associate of the (Benedictine) Community of St. Mary, Southern Province. Over the years she has chaired a Commission on Ministry, been a deputy to General Convention, been involved in developing diocesan norms and program designs around human sexuality, and chaired a Church Consultants Task Force. In the Diocese of Olympia she also has served on Diocesan Council, as Convenor of her Clericus, as the founding Convenor for the diocesan Team for Spiritual Formation, as a mentor/teacher/program designer for the Total Common Ministry Movement, as a Board Member, Faculty and an Interim Dean for the Diocesan School for Ministry and Theology. Her passions include adult Christian formation and liturgy, Celtic spirituality, music, ballet, opera, native art, reading, and staying connected with friends across the country. She has been a Priest Associate at St. Paul’s since 2010.
The Rev. Catharine Reid
The Rev. Catharine Reid grew up outside Philadelphia, PA. She attended Smith College in Massachusetts, and earned an MSLS degree from Villanova University. She then moved to England where she was a member for two years of the Lee Abbey Community, a lay Christian community which runs a holiday and conference center on the north coast of Devon. From there she went on to study at Trinity Theological College in Bristol, England and earned her MDiv degree from The General Seminary in New York City.
Following seminary she was for six years a member of The Order of St. Helena, an Episcopal religious community for women. It was as a member of the order that she first came to live in Seattle.
A long time member of St. Paul’s, Seattle, she was sponsored by them for ordination and was ordained to the priesthood in October 2011. She initially served as associate at St. Clement’s, Seattle and then for three years as an associate at St. Luke’s, Renton. In 2014, in addition to serving at St. Luke’s, she took on the role of Associate for the 5pm Liturgy at St. Paul’s, and in early 2015 became their Priest-in-Charge until the arrival of their new rector at the end of September 2015. From January 2016 through January 2022, she served as associate at St. Dunstan’s in Shoreline.
In addition to her work over the years she has volunteered at Virginia Mason Hospital, Chicken Soup Brigade and in the Diocese of Olympia archives. She currently sings with the Seattle Bach Choir, gardens, rows with Conibear Rowing Club and works on her 1906 house. Her Westie, Brodie, is a constant companion.
The Rev. Samuel Torvend
Father Samuel Torvend served as Priest Associate for Adult Faith Formation at St. Paul’s from 2009 to 2014, and as Priest-In-Charge from 2014 to 2015. From 2015 to 2021 he served as Associate Priest for Adult Formation at Christ Church Tacoma, and from 2021 through 2023 as their Interim Rector. Since 1998, Samuel has taught full-time at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, retiring from teaching in 2022, but continuing to serve in the school’s Wild Hope Center for Vocation. He holds the Ph.D. in church history, with a specialization in sacraments and liturgy, and has taught liturgy courses at two midwestern seminaries and as an adjunct at Seattle University. He is the author of eight books that focus on liturgy and life, sacraments and social action, and worship and work, concerns that animate his faith and his work in adult formation. His next book is entitled, Jesus in Nature: A Monastic Christology.