Holy Week & Easter 2025

All of our in-person Holy Week services will also be live streamed here. All offerings made at the liturgies below, will go to supporting Ahli Hospital in Gaza (in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Palestine Red Crescent Society).


Palm Sunday - Sunday, April 13
8am, 10:30am, and 5pm Masses

Palm Sunday begins with the re-enactment of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem with people carrying palms in procession, something we at St. Paul’s do by walking the block of our neighborhood together at our 10:30am morning mass. This celebrative time quickly gives way to a reader’s theater enactment of the Passion Gospel and a Eucharist that ends with silence as people begin their Holy Week experience. Only the 10:30am liturgy will be live-streamed.


Maundy Thursday - Thursday, April 17
Agape Meal at 6:30pm & Mass at 7:30pm

We will begin the evening with a vegan meal shared together in the Parish Hall. Parishioners then gather in the Church for readings, a foot washing, and Communion followed by the stripping of the altar and Chancel area. The liturgy will be followed by an all-night live-streamed vigil.


Good Friday - Friday, April 18
Liturgy at 7:00pm

Good Friday includes readings and a sermon, the Veneration of a large wooden cross, and Communion from the Reserved Sacrament.


Holy Saturday - Saturday, April 19
Liturgy at 9:00am

With Easter Vigil and Second Mass of Easter rehearsals to follow.


Easter Day - Sunday, April 20
Easter Vigil at 5am & Second Mass of Easter at 10am

Easter Vigil is the high point of the Christian Year. The 5am liturgy begins in the dark with the lighting of the new fire, the procession of the new Paschal Candle and the chanting of the Exsultet, the hymn of victory of life over death. Upon hearing the first Alleluia of Easter, we ring bells, bring the lights up and sing the Gloria in excelsis in response. All are invited to bring bells to ring at either liturgy. The Vigil is followed by a breakfast in the parish hall.

Godly Play will take place at the Second Mass of Easter. Children may be dropped off as early as 9:30am.